How to Choose Safe Gifts for Kids This Holiday Season

Every year, millions of toys are sold to children around the world, bringing joy and laughter during the holiday season. However, it’s important to remember that not all toys are created equal. Some toys can pose serious risks to children’s health and safety. In this article, we will explore what makes toys safe to gift and provide some tips for choosing age-appropriate toys. By taking these considerations into account, we can help protect our little ones and create a safer environment for them to enjoy their childhood.

What makes toys safe to gift?

When shopping for toys, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind:

  • The materials used: Avoid toys made from toxic materials, like lead or phthalates, as these can be harmful if ingested or inhaled. Opt for toys made from natural materials like wood or cotton, or from high-quality plastic that is free from harmful chemicals.
  • The size of parts: Small parts can easily be swallowed or inhaled by young children, posing a choking hazard. Ensure that toys are age-appropriate and have parts that are too large to fit into a child’s mouth or nose.
  • The edges: Choose toys with smooth, rounded edges and surfaces that are gentle to the touch. Avoid toys with sharp edges or points, as these can cause cuts or punctures. Toys with rough or uneven surfaces can also be hazardous, as they can cause abrasions or splinters.
  • Safety regulations: Look to guidance provided by the Consumer Product Safety Commission and American Society for Testing and Materials that set safety standards designed to ensure that toys meet minimum safety requirements and are not likely to cause injury or harm to children.

By considering these factors when choosing toys, you can help ensure that the toys you give to children are safe and suitable for their age and development.

Age-appropriate suggestions

Choosing age-appropriate toys is crucial for ensuring children’s safety and fostering their development. Toys that are too advanced or complex can be frustrating and overwhelming for young children, while toys that are too simple may not provide enough challenge or stimulation for older children. Here are some guidelines for selecting age-appropriate toys:

For infants and toddlers (ages 0-3):

  • Look for toys that encourage sensory development, such as rattles, teething toys and soft books.
  • Toys that promote gross motor skills, such as balls, ride-on toys and walkers, are also appropriate.
  • Avoid toys with small parts that could be choking hazards.

For preschoolers (ages 3-5):

  • Encourage creativity and imagination by selecting blocks, dress-up clothes and art supplies.
  • Help develop fine motor skills with puzzles, Legos and Play-Doh.
  • Avoid toys with sharp edges or points that could cause injury.

For school-aged children (ages 6-12):

  • Promote intellectual development by gifting board games, science kits and educational software.
  • Get them up and moving with the gift of a bicycle, scooter or sports equipment.
  • Avoid toys that are violent or promote negative behaviors.

For teenagers (ages 13 and up):

  • Encourage creativity and self-expression with musical instruments, art supplies and writing journals.
  • Toys that promote social interaction and teamwork, such as sports equipment and board games, are also beneficial.
  • Avoid toys that are dangerous or could be used to harm others.

In following these guidelines, you can help ensure that the toys you give to children are safe and appropriate for their age and developmental stage. This will help to protect children from injury and harm, and will also help them to learn and develop in a healthy and positive way during the holiday season. By taking these precautions, we can create a safe and enjoyable environment for children to enjoy their toys and make lasting memories during the holidays.

Reducing stress around the holidays

It’s the holiday season, with family and friends gathering to celebrate and enjoy. For many it also comes with an unwelcome burden: Added stress on ourselves and our loved ones. That can take away from our enjoyment of what can be our fondest memories.

How can we manage our stress so our holidays are enjoyable and memorable? We asked Wendy Tamarit, Resident Experience Coordinator, to share her 7 tips on reducing stress around the holidays. It’s just another facet of MyWLife, Westminster’s exclusive program for well-being of mind, body and spirit, that all residents and team members can enjoy.

1. Be mindful about eating healthily. The holidays come with lots of special foods, which we should enjoy! It’s more important to eat healthy foods when you’re having a “regular” meal. The nutrition boost will also help you keep your energy up and help out your immune system.

2. Try to get the appropriate amount of sleep each night. Don’t go on less than you’re used to. Our events are more special when we’re well-rested.

3. Eat a healthy snack before a holiday party so you aren’t starving when you arrive. One tip is to eat an apple and have 8-10 ounces of water. The fiber in the apple and the water will help you feel sated when you arrive.

4. If you have an exercise routine, keep with it! That doesn’t mean you have to be working out 7 days a week. A simple walk, a trip to the gym, a yoga class or tennis with friends is not only good for your body — it’s great for stress management, too!

5. Make time to “be still.” With work and family, parties and shopping, it can seem like a never-ending rush! Carve out time where you can relax quietly, without a device, to you can recharge yourself and your holiday spirit.

6. Don’t overspend your resources. We all have limits. It’s tempting to get the perfect gift for everyone, no matter the cost, but it can add a lot of long-term stress to our finances.

7. Most of all, learn to say “no.” It’s OK not to host every function or to contribute to every party or bake sale.

To learn all about how you can enjoy living or working at a Westminster community, visit our website and find a community near you today! 

Celebrating Myrna and Merle Allshouse – A Legacy of Helping Others

The Westminster Communities Foundation is honored to recognize longtime residents Myrna and Merle Allshouse for a generous $50,000 bequest to the Suncoast community’s Benevolent Assistance Program. 

Myrna and Merle’s children, Kim and Scott, join us in celebrating this gift by sharing, “Our parents were deeply committed to the importance of community throughout their lives. It was that sense of community that brought them to Westminster. They were strong supporters of arts and education, values that were shared by many of their friends in the larger Westminster Suncoast community and particularly by those who were affiliated with the Academy of Senior Professionals at Eckerd College (ASPEC).  Through their gift, they wanted to provide the opportunity for others to have the joy and comfort they found in living in the Westminster community.”

Merle was a lifelong scholar and educator retired from Eckerd College in 2002. Upon his retirement, he continued to learn through classes at the University of South Florida in geology, politics and Florida history.  Known to his friends as a “gentlemen scholar” he was also an avid boater and amateur pilot.  Merle passed in April 2016 while residing at Westminster Suncoast.

Myrna succeeded in two careers, first as a mother to two children and then in the insurance industry.  In retirement she became a talented watercolor artist who often shared her passion by encouraging others to pick up a brush and paint alongside of her.  In 2021, she moved to Montpelier, VT to be closer to her family, but she fondly remembered her time at Westminster Suncoast.  Throughout their lives, Myrna and Merle most valued advocating for social justice, art and education, but their dedication to these values in retirement was truly inspiring. Myrna passed in September 2023.

The Westminster Communities Foundation received Myrna’s bequest in support of the Suncoast community. The Foundation provided $1.25 million last year in Benevolent Assistance for residents who have outlived their resources. Currently, more than fifty Westminster residents benefit from benevolent assistance support. Jeff Coates, Vice President of Philanthropy, said that “being able to help our neighbors and friends continue to live in their communities, regardless of their resources, would not be possible without the enduring support of caring, generous people like Myrna and Merle. We are eternally grateful for their support and the legacy they left at Westminster.”

To learn more about or donate to the Foundation contact: Tish Burke at (727) 867-1131

 Since 1974, Benevolent Assistance at Westminster Communities of Florida has been 100% funded by donors to the Westminster Communities Foundation.

Showcasing Dedication and Determination: Algeir Warren’s Story of Service

On his way to work one morning, Algeir Warren’s car began to smoke under the hood. Algeir is a bus driver at Westminster Winter Park and was in a time crunch with only 20 minutes to get to work to drive residents to church. After delivering his car to the mechanic closest to the community, he decided to run the four miles to work.

“My job is to be there on time!” Algeir said. “I wanted to make sure I was there on time.”

Algeir is just one of the 2,700 dedicated team members at Westminster Communities of Florida. These remarkable individuals serve older adults with the same commitment in communities across the state. Each day they make decisions with the best interests of our residents in mind and inspire us with the same unwavering commitment Algeir showed by choosing to run to work.
“It was amazing to me that he decided to this but what I think what was even more amazing was that he didn’t tell a lot of people about it,” Westminster Winter Park Executive Director Angie Layfield said. “He just did it because I think he felt it was the right thing to do and he didn’t want to let the residents down.”

Algeir is a distance runner and has completed eight-mile runs, 10-mile races and half marathons.
“I run a lot so I thought I can do that in that amount of time!” Algeir said about the race to beat the clock to the community. “I got there in time – I made it!”

“Algeir really understands that the disappointment or the letdown for those residents would they not have been able to make it to church that day was something he didn’t want those residents to experience,” Angie said. “I think he is a person who truly understands the impact that team members have on a resident’s day, every day. It shows our team members understanding of their role in the resident’s quality of life.”

Algeir has been part of the Westminster Communities of Florida family for a little over a year and hopes to transition to the community’s physical therapy department having recently graduated with an associate degree in physical therapy.

He said he is drawn to geriatric health and enjoys working with the elderly.

“They all have stories,” Algeir said. “When you work around them, you realize that some of them don’t even have family members or anybody to talk to. I can relieve some of that and brighten up their day! I can be somebody that they can talk to and help them get back to walking or help them with their balance.”

We are immensely grateful for Algeir and all the team members who continue to serve and uplift our residents in extraordinary ways, making a difference in their lives each and every day. Their dedication and determination truly make Westminster Communities of Florida a place where excellence thrives and the spirit of service shines bright.

Thanksgiving Letter From Garry Hennis, Chief Operating Officer 2023

Dear Team Members,

During this time of great unrest in the world, we pause and give thanks for our many blessings. Together we have experienced challenges in the last several years – disease, hurricanes, an uncertain economy, and a changing business environment. Today there is war in Ukraine and in the Holy Land, threatening life, health, and religious beliefs throughout the world.

However, we have much for which to be grateful this year: Our families, our friends, our fellow team members, and our residents.

Our country celebrated some of its first Thanksgiving holidays under similarly difficult circumstances. As Americans we have relied on our gratitude for each other and for our many blessings from God to help us get through whatever challenges face us. 

As I reflect each year on what I am grateful for, I realize that I am most grateful for my family and friends, for the ability to share a Thanksgiving meal with those loved ones — and for you, the Westminster team members.

Our Mission of service is dear, and you live it each day.  No matter your job, your work is essential to the Mission of Westminster Communities of Florida.

This Thanksgiving, on behalf of the entire leadership team, I thank you for everything that you do. I hope you enjoy this holiday and that you take time to give thanks to all those with whom you share it.

1 Chronicles 16:34: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

In the Words of Experienced Authors: Essential Tips for Aspiring Writers from Westminster Communities

Westminster Communities of Florida is home to a diverse community of over 7,000 residents hailing from various parts of the United States and around the world. Among them are retired teachers, ministers, doctors, nurses, businesspeople, soldiers and published authors. Some residents have published works in retirement, engage in writing poetry during their free time, or have even published as a result of writer’s group challenges. In an effort to tap into the wisdom and experience of our talented authors, we approached them with a simple question: “What advice do you have for aspiring authors?” Whether you’re contemplating taking on the National Novel Writing Month challenge or embarking on the journey of writing your first book, the seasoned authors at Westminster have shared their invaluable insights and guidance.

“1. Read widely from a variety of authors.
2. Know and limit the audience for whom you are writing. Don’t try to write for everyone. And know what response you want from your readers.
3. If your story in not unfolding well, start over.
4. Unity, coherence and proportion in every paragraph and transitions from paragraph to paragraph.
5. Brevity is still the soul of wit. Don’t lose your readers in details, keep your message moving.
6. Beware of signing with a vanity press. Get an agent—-if you can. At least try to get an agent to look at your work. Vanity presses will take any manuscript and charge plenty to put a cover on it. When in doubt about a contract, pay a lawyer to explain it to you before you sign.”
Richard J. Smith, Ph.D, Resident at Westminster Point Pleasant
Author of “Life After Eighty”, “Musings of an Old Man,” “Once Upon a Christmas,” “Tales from a Twilight House,” “Brain Exercises for Older Adults,” and 26 other titles available.

“Aspiring authors should join a writer’s group. My 335-page novel is the result of a class project where I was given a picture and instructed to write a 500-word essay based upon the picture. I have written many short stories, poems and a few plays since moving to Westminster Manor in 2015. In my first class, an experienced writer volunteered to assist me with grammar. I believe I would not have been successful without his help.”
J. Gary Shaw, Resident at Westminster Manor
Author of “OUTSIDER COPS – The Caribbean Case” and currently working on “Outsider Cops – The Canadian Case.”

“My advice to aspiring writers: Write the story you want to read. Read, listen, observe, write, rewrite. Keep going.”
Nancy Pate, Resident at Westminster Towers
Author of “Fiddle Dee Death,” “Marsh Madness” and “Way Down Dead in Dixie”, written under the pseudonym Caroline Cousins.

“In retirement I began to think about writing my story. Once I completed my story as an autobiography, I began to think about my wife’s life story. So, in a nutshell, that is how I ended up writing the two books. Publishing a book during my publishing timeframe had become remarkably easy. Amazon offered an opportunity for anyone to self-publish a book with very little or no cost. However, you needed to learn what their requirements were for designing a cover, editing and publishing a manuscript. I followed their direction and they did the work to create two books that are offered for sale in the U.S. and countries all over the world. What a great incentive to self-publish a story!”
Jerrel B Powell, Ph.D., Resident at Westminster Woods on Julington Creek
Author of “ALDENA Farmers Daughter, Wife, Mother: A Memoir of Our Life Together” and “THE MIDDLE SON: My Journey from the Dust Bowl Days of the 30s to the Present”

“Read, read, and read some more, especially in the genre you plan to write. Write often. Join a writer’s group and ask for criticism, especially from those who have published.”
Don (“Doc”) Sanborn, Resident at Westminster Manor
Author of “Sanborns Camp: A Memoir,” “Escape From Xanadu: A Memoir of Survival, Adventure, and Coming of Age,” and “Plebe: My Year at the Citadel.”

“My advice to new authors is to know your subject better than anybody else. Be sure your references are iron clad and be careful how much ‘fluff’ you insert. Fast readers will just skip it and become annoyed because you are wasting their time.”
William Talley, Resident at Westminster Woods on Julington Creek
Author of “The Talley Principles: Contemporary Methods to Effective Management.”

“My advice for anyone wanting to publish a book: First, enlist the help of others. Join a critique group who can help revise your work, and hire a professional editor to make your finished product the best possible. Will your book be self-published, or will you send your manuscript to a traditional publisher? The world of traditional publishing is very competitive. No matter which route you choose, realize that the success of your book depends upon you to promote it. Be prepared to put forth effort.
Debbie Burton, Resident at Westminster Winter Park
Author of the “Tales of Blueberry Street” series

“I am proof that dreams deferred are not dreams denied. Believe in yourself and keep writing.”
John A. Vanek, Resident at Westminster Shores
Author of the “Father Jake Austin Mystery” series including “DEROS,” “Miracles,” “Absolution,” “Bedeviled,” and “Epiphany.”

NaNoWriMo: A Challenge for Budding Novelists

If you’re an aspiring novelist looking for a challenge, this is your month! National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) began November 1 and offers the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself to complete a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. By taking part, you can gain valuable skills and join a thriving community of creatives. At Westminster Communities of Florida, we believe that lifelong learning and experimenting with new creative endeavors and skills is an invaluable part of a well-rounded lifestyle. Read on to learn more about how National Novel Writing Month came to be, its benefits and tips for getting started.


NaNoWriMo began in 1999 with 21 participants who completed their novels and created a new tradition. Since then, the event has grown exponentially, bringing together over 400,000 people internationally who collectively write their novels.
For many aspiring authors, the event provides an opportunity to test their creative skills, build confidence and contribute to a community of writers sharing experiences and providing support to others during the month-long process.


NaNoWriMo gives you the chance to challenge yourself in ways that may not have been possible before. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone by trying new ideas, techniques, or genres as part of the project. If you set achievable goals, you’ll get the satisfaction of seeing what you’ve accomplished quickly – something that isn’t always easy when working on longer projects.
Additionally, many local communities host write-ins throughout the month where writers come together to encourage each other’s progress and share advice about their own writing process. If you’re looking for an exciting way to challenge yourself creatively this November – consider participating in NaNoWriMo!


Writing a novel in 30 days is an ambitious goal, but with the right preparation and tools it can be a manageable feat. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Set a Goal: Before you begin, decide how many words you would like to write each day and stick to it. Be realistic about what you think you can achieve which will help keep you motivated and on track.
  • Create a Comfortable Writing Space: Find somewhere you can focus and have your materials easily accessible. This may be at home or in a public space. Make sure that your environment has minimal distractions allowing you to make the most of your time.
  • Utilize Online Tools: There are plenty of resources available to help keep track of word count goals, organize ideas, take notes, brainstorm plots, research topics, stay focused and more! Utilizing these resources can greatly improve efficiency all month long.
  • Connect With an Online Community: Connect with other NaNoWriMo participants. Join online forums and discussion boards to ask questions about any challenges you experience along the way, share successes and inspire others to keep going!
  • Take Regular Breaks: Taking breaks from writing helps clear your mind so that when you return to work on your novel again, fresh ideas will come more easily.

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or a complete novice, National Novel Writing Month is a great opportunity to test your creative skills, build confidence and connect with a community of like-minded individuals. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start writing your novel!

5 Halloween Themed Snacks to Make With Your Grandkids

If you’re spending this Halloween with family, especially the youngest members of your family, why not spend quality time together making special holiday themed snacks? Try one of these adorably spooky snacks below with your family this year!

Skeleton Gingerbread Men

Find the recipe for these little guys on

Dark Chocolate Orange and Black Cookies

You can get the recipe for these black and orange cookies on

White Chocolate Covered Ghost Strawberries

This fun twist on a classic can be found on

Brain Rice Krispy Treats

A little spooky, a lot of fun, find out how to make these on

Chocolate Pretzel Spiderwebs

No spiders required for these webs! Learn how to make them on

What to Know About Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids

If you are experiencing hearing loss, you may be wondering if over-the-counter hearing aids are a good option for you. Until recently, the only way to get a hearing aid was to go to a hearing health professional and get a prescription. Now, adults 18 and older with mild-to-moderate hearing problems can find a more cost-effective solution with over-the-counter hearing aids.

If you are experiencing hearing loss, it’s important to see a professional audiologist to get the help you need. A qualified provider can complete a diagnostic hearing test to determine the best way to improve your hearing. This will help rule out any complex ear conditions that can sometimes cause hearing loss including infections, earwax buildup or injuries, all of which can’t be fixed by hearing aids.

With complex conditions ruled out, consumers can buy these devices directly. Here is a brief overview of what you need to know about over-the-counter hearing aids, including who they are right for, what types are available, how much they cost, and where you can get them.

1 – What’s the difference between a prescription hearing aid and an over-the-counter device?

Over-the-counter hearing aids are available without a medical exam, prescription, or professional fitting. These “one-size-fits-most” devices provide a basic level of hearing correction and may be sufficient for some people. While prescription hearing aids are more expensive, they will be able to treat the nuances of different types of hearing loss better with more sophisticated technology. They may also be a good choice for someone who has tried an over-the-counter option without success.

2 – What types of over-the-counter hearing aids are there?

There are two types available: self-fitting and non-self-fitting. Self-fitting devices come with adjustable settings that allow users to customize the device’s sound output according to their own individual needs and preferences. Non-self-fitting devices come preloaded with a few predetermined sound settings and volume control. Overall, both types have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is important for consumers to understand each option before making a decision to get the most out of their device.

3 – Will over-the-counter hearing aids be the same quality as prescription hearing aids?

When it comes to hearing aids, the quality of the device is of utmost importance. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulates all types of hearing aids and has set minimum standards for safety and effectiveness that must be met by both over-the-counter and prescription devices. This means that when you purchase an over-the-counter device, you can be sure that it meets strict safety regulations and provides a certain level of sound amplification. However, there will likely be differences in appearance, style, features, and sound quality between over-the-counter devices and those prescribed by a professional audiologist or other qualified provider. Be sure to do your research and read user reviews for information about battery life, warranties and return policies offered.

4 – How do costs compare for over-the-counter hearing aids?

Over-the-counter hearing aids are typically much less expensive than traditional prescription hearing aids, with some models costing as little as a few hundred dollars. The cost of prescription hearing aids varies widely but can run anywhere from $2,000 to $7,000. Compare prices of the over-the-counter options as well as the features among different models to find the best value for your money.

5 – Where can I get an over-the-counter hearing aid?

Over-the-counter hearing aids are available in pharmacies including CVS and Walgreens, some big box stores like Wal-Mart and Best Buy, as well as online.
Acclimating to wearing hearing aids takes time and practice. You should wear your hearing aids frequently to become accustomed to their features and how to adjust the program settings to suit different listening environments. If you find that you are not getting the benefits you expected from your over-the-counter hearing aids, consider consulting with a hearing health care professional, such as an audiologist, otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor), or hearing aid specialist.

Stay Mentally Sharp for a Bright Future

Each week, anywhere from 12-20 residents at Westminster Woods on Julington Creek, our Life Plan Community in Jacksonville, meet to exercise their minds as well as their bodies. Fitness Coordinator Jeri Jo Fox leads residents in stimulating exercises aiming to maintain their mental agility. Staying mentally sharp is a key component of leading a healthy life, and it’s never too late to start.

“Just because I’m the fitness coordinator, it’s not all about me teaching physical fitness,” Jeri Jo said. “Brain fitness is just as important.”

Westminster Woods on Julington Creek isn’t the only Westminster community mixing brain health exercises into their daily activities. Brain health programming can be found at each of our Life Plan Communities throughout the state emphasizing the need to exert different areas of the brain and maximize its potential as we age.

For years, Jeri Jo has been incorporating brain fitness exercises into her physical fitness classes. She completed hours of research, connected with experts, and created her own curriculum full of exercises involving finger manipulation, coordination and a combination of physical exercise and brain stimulation. Today she leads residents through a 12-week program called Total Brain Health. Through puzzles, games, creative endeavors, and even physical activities, residents are challenged both mentally and physically in order to stay sharp. The science-based, expert-designed curriculum offers simple exercises for cognitive wellness and details why these exercises are beneficial for brain health.

“There are so many things that are related to brain health for a successful quality of life,” Jeri Jo said. “I’ve seen after COVID the people who did not socialize or exercise, part of them just shut down. There’s so much that you can control, so why not incorporate it?”

During class residents are given worksheets and handouts to coincide with the brain games and workouts to highlight which area of the brain they’re working and to further develop social skills, but the lessons are varied.

“Every week is a different lesson so residents aren’t going to fall behind if they miss one or two or three,” Jeri Jo said. “You start off with a physical warmup with your hands and your feet, and everything you do you’re counting backwards or forwards or saying the alphabet, so you’re warming up your brain.”

Jeri Jo noted that she has some very healthy and very independent residents attending the Total Brain Health class, but that the program extends beyond just independent living residents.

“This is the one class some of my more physically challenged independent residents can attend. They might not come to balance class, but they really look forward to this,” Jeri Jo said. “I took that same exercise to the health center because they can do it! Even if they are sitting in a wheelchair, they can still participate in a brain game.”

Residents tell Jeri Jo they notice the effects and feel better. “They look forward to this and they like the challenge,” she said noting she’s seeing benefits herself leading the class through these exercises. “I feel like my mind is clearer and sharper because I do this stuff.”


By exercising your brain either at home or at a Westminster community, you strengthen the neural pathways in your brain, which can help to improve your memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. November is Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month and if you can’t be there to participate in Jeri Jo’s Total Brain Health class in person, she offered some ways you can get a brain workout at home to improve your brain health and reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disorders.

  1. 1. Read out loud for 15 minutes each day.
  2. 2. Write. If your hands don’t work well use your computer and type or write for 15 minutes each day. Write a letter, or write a story, write a summary of your day, write what you’re grateful for – just write!
  3. 3. Socialize. Connect with others. In order to have a conversation with somebody, you have to remember what they said, you have to pull from your memory and find the vocabulary.
  4. 4. Challenge your brain through a mentally stimulating exercise or by doing a game against the clock. Something that is new and novel is desirable to your brain.
  5. 5. Eat well, stay hydrated, sleep and exercise.

When you choose to live at a Westminster community, you’ll have access to a plethora of well-being opportunities to exercise your mind and body. Learn more about the lifestyle you can enjoy and find the community near you today!

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